Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why Is That Girl Dressed Funny?

 I wanted to share a little bit today about WHY I do what I do and wear what I wear, besides the obvious fact that I just like it! No, I have not always done my hair and make up the way I do now, and I do not do it every single day, just about 80% of the time as I do have other hobbies and a little one that sometimes require serious dressing down. I have always been obsessed with the past, loved history, old music, movies, cars etc..but it wasn't until recently that I discovered some fabulous ladies on YouTube (The Cherry Dollface, Lisa Freemont Street & PinUp Doll Ashley Marie to be exact) that finally opened my eyes to HOW to actually achieve the looks of different decades without looking like a complete idiot! When you use the beauty techniques of days gone by you look like a beautiful woman of days gone by! Pair that with adorable(and sometimes not so adorable lol)  vintage and retro fashions and you look like you hopped right out of a time machine!

But why on earth would you want to do that on the regular??

I guess for me it boils down to when I dress up like the women of a certain style in a certain decade, I tend to subconsciously embrace all the best ideals of that time period. I tend to think about that decade a little more throughout the day and pick up certain positive attributes that I think women of that era had. For example,

When I need to loosen up and be a bit more wild and carefree, an eyebrow raising flapper look is always fun

For a night of dramatic glamour, I might style myself after a starlet of the 1930s

When I need an infusion of independence and a just GET R DONE attitude in my life I tend to choose a wartime 1940s look
Sometimes I'll dress like the perfect 50s housewife in hopes that I might clean and cook just a little more perfectly- and sometimes it helps lol
and who could forget the big hair and even more importantly the big CHANGES of the 60s & 70s??

So besides the fact that its just plain fun to dress the way I do, and there are SO many different looks to choose from, for me it goes a little deeper than that. Now don't get me wrong, I realize that not everything in the past was all roses, but I like to take the best idealogy from back THEN and apply it to life NOW and styling myself in the fashion of the times helps me look good while doing it ;)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Quick Pin Curls w/ Curling Iron

Hello again!!
I've decided that my first real post will be dedicated to the very first technique I learned when starting my journey into the "vintage world", and that was how to get bouncy pin up girl worthy curls with a curling iron! I still use this on most of our photoshoots, although not so much on my own hair as the heat can be SO damaging on a daily basis! However this is perfect for days when I haven't planned so well and didn't do a wet roller set the night before or something like that, also depending on your hair type using a curling iron can be more effective than hot rollers and take just about the same time to do. SO to start, all you need is:
A curling iron with a 1" barrel--any larger and you are going to deviate from the period look and get looser modern curls
A paddle brush
Your hairspray of choice
and a bunch of these
you can find packs of these at Sally's and most can also use bobby pins but I find they are trickier to maneuver and leave dents.
You'll want to start with day old hair, as freshly washed hair just does not hold curl as well.

Start by taking one section of hair, no larger than this piece
This is honestly a little larger piece than I would normally recommend, but for the sake of time I went for bigger pieces. You can spray your hair with heat protectant if you like. Roll the section in towards your face and hold it there until the outside hair is pretty warm to the touch, then gradually slide the curl off the end of the iron, I usually try to catch it with my thumb. Keeping the curl still rolled up, press it up against your head and clip it there. Now depending on what style you want, you can either have the curl facing towards your face, backwards or in to your head. When just starting out, don't worry about which ways your curls are facing just focus on the technique of getting them pinned to your head nice and tight. It will look cute regardless ;)
As you can see I did hers pretty large. I did alternating rows of frontwards and backwards facing curls and a few of the thicker ones in the back just pinned under. Let all of the curls cool completely before doing anything else. Make some coffee, have a smoke, just look adorable, whatever but make sure they have cooled off. Then give them all a once over with your hairspray before removing the pins. Once the pins have been removed, initially some of you may look like this:
and that's ok! The trick to the hairstyles is in the brushing out! I know the first time I went to do this I was skeptical too, like I just spent all this time putting my curls UP and now you want me to BRUSH them OUT!? But yes, only brush down the UNDERSIDE of your hair though and use your hand to brush against so you're not just ripping through them. Just keep brushing until you see what you like.

Here is the final product of the quick set on my friend today:
Once your curls are brushed out, you can leave it be or do something fun with the bangs, pop in a flower, whatever your little heart desires!! Finish with a ton of hairspray. All it takes is some practice figuring out your hair(don't get discouraged, it took me a few failed sets before I started getting comfortable with it!!) but this is really a pretty simple look to accomplish--whether you're like me and want to wear it everyday or just for a special occasion, I truly feel it looks classy and beautiful on everyone! <3
P.S. Make up was just some winged out eyeliner, mascara and a quick swipe of lip stick! Nothing elaborate!

Special thanks to my friend Dori for being a FAB hair model today!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Blog! First Post! Testing 1, 2..

Hello Dearies!
I'm creating this blog as an extension of my Facebook, Blue Velvet Bombshell because I've found that I have sooooo many more things to share with those of you who also share a passion for the past than would be socially acceptable on my page. Although I'm comparatively new to the "serious" rockabilly/pin up/retro/vintage scene, I've always had a strong preference for things nostalgic and am hoping to share with you what I wish I'd known when I was first starting out, current projects I'm working on and everything I learn along the way!! This blog will be a variety of my photography projects, hair and make up techniques, fashion, food, antiques, entertaining, events and life in general. Please check back on the regular for new posts (hopefully) daily! Much love! xo